Here is an interesting problem from Stackoverflow. Basically, the OP has a bunch of strings which I will refer to as identifiers. These strings consist of a bunch of English words and the occasional abbreviation, such as desc, run together as in bankaccountstatusdesc. The task is to turn that string into bank account status desc.
I do not know how to write a 100% accurate solution for this problem. I don’t know if it is even possible to do that. However, it took me about 10 minutes to come up with a possibly “good enough” solution and with another half an hour to refine it a little.
The inspiration came from James Hague’s wonderful essay A Spellchecker Used to Be a Major Feat of Software Engineering. As someone who had to fight with WordStar’s .ovl
files and who once wrote memory bank switching code on a ZX Spectrum 128, I really appreciated that essay.
The idea is simple: Pretty much evey *nix out there comes with a /usr/share/dict
file consisting of English words. First, create a pattern consisting of all of those words (ignoring anything shorter than three characters, sorting by length of word and alphabetically). Then, match each identifier progressively starting from the end of the identifier against this pattern, removing matched portions. If, at the end of this, there is anything remaining in the original string, flag that particular identifier for human attention.
In the refined version below, I allowed for the dictionary file, the list of identifiers, and the output to be specified as command line arguments. Only the dictionary file is mandatory. One can optionally specify another set of strings to be considered as “words” by specifying the command line option --mydict
. For the OP’s case, one has to specify a file containing the string desc
and the misspelled conrol
as well as any other abbreviations.
Here is the code (caution: I went a little iterator-crazy with this one!)
# Copyright (C) 2010 A. Sinan Unur
# License
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
use Getopt::Long;
my ($opt_list, $opt_dict, $opt_mydict, $opt_out);
"list=s" => \$opt_list,
"dict=s" => \$opt_dict,
"mydict=s" => \$opt_mydict,
"out=s" => \$opt_out,
) or die sprintf(
"%s %s [ %s ] [ %s ] [ %s ]\n",
"--dict='dictionary file'",
"--mydict='custom dictionary file'",
"--list='list file'",
"--out='output file'"
die "You must specify a dictionary file\n" unless defined $opt_dict;
my $matcher = make_matcher($opt_dict, $opt_mydict);
my $reader = make_reader($opt_list);
my $writer = make_writer($opt_out);
while ( defined( my $line = $reader->() ) ) {
my @identifiers = split ' ', $line;
for my $identifier ( @identifiers ) {
my $orig = $identifier;
my @stack;
while ( defined (my $word = $matcher->($identifier) ) ) {
push @stack, $word;
push @stack, $identifier, '*' if length $identifier;
sprintf "%s : %s\n", $orig, join(' ', reverse @stack)
sub make_reader {
my ($list_file) = @_;
return sub { <> } unless defined $list_file;
open my $list_h, '<', $list_file
or die "Cannot open '$list_file' for reading: $!";
return sub { <$list_h> };
sub make_writer {
my ($output_file) = @_;
return sub { print @_ } unless defined $output_file;
return sub { append_file $output_file, \ @_ };
sub make_matcher {
my ($dict_file, $my_dict_file) = @_;
my $pat = join '|',
map quotemeta,
sort { length $b <=> length $a || $a cmp $b }
grep 2 < length,
map { chomp; $_ }
read_file( $dict_file ),
defined( $my_dict_file ) ? read_file($my_dict_file) : ()
my $re = qr/(?<word>$pat)\z/;
return sub {
return $+{word} if $_[0] =~ s/$re//;
Now, given a list of identifiers in list.txt
payperiodmatchcode labordistributioncodedesc dependentrelationship
actionendoption actionendoptiondesc addresstype addresstypedesc
historytype psaddresstype rolename bankaccountstatus
bankaccountstatusdesc bankaccounttype bankaccounttypedesc
beneficiaryamount beneficiaryclass beneficiarypercent benefitsubclass
beneficiaryclass beneficiaryclassdesc benefitactioncode
benefitactioncodedesc benefitagecontrol benefitagecontroldesc
ageconrolagelimit ageconrolnoticeperiod
and a custom dictionary in mydict.txt
, we can invoke the script as:
$ expand_identifiers --dict=/usr/share/dict/words --mydict=mydict.txt \
--list=list.txt --output=expanded.txt
and get the output in the file expanded.txt
payperiodmatchcode : pay period match code
labordistributioncodedesc : labor distribution code desc
dependentrelationship : dependent relationship
actionendoption : action end option
actionendoptiondesc : action end option desc
addresstype : address type
addresstypedesc : address type desc
historytype : history type
psaddresstype : * ps address type
rolename : role name
bankaccountstatus : bank account status
bankaccountstatusdesc : bank account status desc
bankaccounttype : bank account type
bankaccounttypedesc : bank account type desc
beneficiaryamount : beneficiary amount
beneficiaryclass : beneficiary class
beneficiarypercent : beneficiary percent
benefitsubclass : benefit subclass
beneficiaryclass : beneficiary class
beneficiaryclassdesc : beneficiary class desc
benefitactioncode : benefit action code
benefitactioncodedesc : benefit action code desc
benefitagecontrol : benefit age control
benefitagecontroldesc : benefit age control desc
ageconrolagelimit : age conrol age limit
ageconrolnoticeperiod : age conrol notice period
Notice that the suspicious identifier was marked with an asterisk.
One would still need some kind of human check on the output, but presumably, that would require much less effort than manually splitting thousands of such identifiers.